



Wheaty: the story of a successful idea


TOPAS, the company behind Wheaty, is a family business still run by its founder Klaus Gaiser. What started as a tiny operation in the family home today is one of the most successful vegan and organic brands in Europe.

Wheaty产品背后的公司名为Topas,现在仍是由其创始人克劳斯·盖泽尔(Klaus Gaiser)经营的家族企业。公司从家庭小作坊起步,如今已跻身于欧洲最成功的纯素和有机品牌。

Pioneering Tofu in Germany


When the eventual founder of TOPAS, Klaus Gaiser, returned from two study trips abroad in the mid-seventies, he brought with him what would turn out to be knowledge essential to his future career. During his stays in Japan, China and Indonesia, he immersed himself in the culture of East Asia. A particular focus of his was food manufacturing. In Japan, he had the opportunity to get deep insights in the traditional cuisine: he got to spent time in a Sake brewery, a kitchen in a Zen temple, and other places. In Kamakura, he had the chance to learn from an old Tofu master.


A student of sinology (Chinese and China studies), japanology and cultural studies, Gaiser returned to Germany in 1978. He now had not only his lifelong fascination with Asian culture and cuisine, but was now also equipped with the technical skills to make the continent’s food. He started manufacturing Tofu, at first on a small scale for private consumption and for his Asian friends. Only a few months after his return from Asia, he held his first hand-made block of Tofu in his hand.


Before long, demand grew, and Gaiser was increasingly able to sell Tofu products to a wider range of interested customers in organic food shops. In 1980, he started production of soy-based specialties in earnest. The small enterprise was one of the very first manufacturers of Tofu in Germany, starting out in the ‘Milchhausle’ (Lit. “Small milk house”), a former dairy in the Swabian small town of Mossingen. Soy beans were supplied by an organic farmer in nearby Tübingen. In 1984, “Yamato Tofuhaus GmbH” officially entered the company register.

不久之后需求增长,而盖泽尔也日益能够向有机食品店内感兴趣的更多顾客销售豆腐产品。1980年,他开始正式生产特色豆制品。他在“Milchhausle”(“小的牛奶屋”)创办的这家小企业属于德国最早一批的豆腐制造商;这里原来是斯瓦比亚小镇默辛根的一处乳品间。原材料大豆由附近图宾根市(Tubingen)的一个有机农场主进行供应。1984年,“Yamato Tofuhaus有限责任公司”正式注册成立。

What followed were busy and turbulent years which, despite all difficulties, brought steady growth. Tofu began to be better known in Germany, and demand increased steadily. In 1987, the company moved into a larger building in Tübingen. From 1989 on, a company in the health food market took a share in Yamato, planning a large Tofu manufactory. In 1992, Gaiser left the Joint Venture.

接下来的几年里,公司上下辛勤忙碌,发展屡经波折,尽管遇到了各种各样的困难,但业务稳步增长。豆腐的名声开始在德国更广泛地传播开来,而其需求也持续增长。1987年,公司搬迁到图宾根市内一栋更大的建筑。从1989年开始,一家保健食品市场上的公司取得了Yamato Tofuhaus公司的一部分股份,准备规划一个大型的豆腐制造厂。1992年,盖泽尔离开了这个合资企业。

TOPAS: the birth of Wheaty


As a result of a radically new approach, Gaiser founded Topas, the company behind Wheaty, in 1993. Its products were to be based on the other pillar of vegetarian Asian cuisine: the wheat-protein based Seitan. Initially, pasta were on the menu, too – TOPAS is short for Tofu-Pasta-Seitan. Gaiser was fascinated by traditional japanese noodles. They, completely unknown at the time in Europe, featured alongside vegetarian ‘Swabian pockets’, a type of pasta traditionally filled with meat.


Before long, however, Seitan-based products became more and more important to the company. Its philosophy now headed in a completely new direction: while the ideal at Yamato had been to convince Europeans of the excellence of Asian cuisine, the new creations mimicked the look and taste of well-known domestic meat products.

时间没过多久,面筋制品对Topas公司显得越来越重要。Topas公司的理念现在正朝向一个全新的方向:虽然以前Yamato Tofuhaus公司的理想是让欧洲人信服卓越的亚洲烹饪法,但Topas公司的新颖产品却踏上了模仿著名国产肉制品外观和味道的路线。

At the time, this change of direction was not an obvious choice: while Tofu had steadily gained popularity and acceptance in Germany throughout the eighties – not least thanks to Yamato Tofuhaus -, hardly anyone had heard about Seitan in the nineties. The new company’s first delivery, in 1994, was a measly four small boxes; business was initially conducted around the living room table at the family home. But this wouldn’t last for long. Topas’s Wheaty range would grow more and more successful with every year.

在当时来说,这样的方向改变并不是一个容易让人想得通的选择:虽然豆腐的流行度和接受度在整个1980年代的德国都持续上升──特别是由于Yamato Tofuhaus公司的产品宣传推广──但在1990年代却几乎没有人听说过面筋这种东西。Topas公司在1994年首次发货,产品数量少得可怜,只装了四个小盒子;而最初的业务活动就在家庭住宅内的客厅桌子上展开。但这种情况并没有维持多久。Topas公司的Wheaty产品系列随后逐年增长,愈加兴旺发达。

One of the young company’s iconic first products was the “Spacebar.” Created in 1996 to resemble a traditional German sausage, the Landjager, it “took off like a rocket,” Gaiser says today. The product hit a nerve: the vegan scene in the nineties lacked a hearty, protein-rich snack that could be taken anywhere. Today, with a PETA award under its belt, the Spacebar range is still an essential part of the company’s product range, with four delicious varieties.


Turn of the millennium: massive growth


In 2000, the company had grown so much that it had to move to dedicated facilities in Mossingen. The new hall measured some 300 square meters (about 3,200 sq ft), and there was great concern whether it wouldn’t be too large, something that Klaus Gaiser and his wife, Sanni Ikola-Gaiser, have to smile about today – because before long, the landlord was approached about renting another floor in the same building, and then another. The staff grew as well – from initially just the Gaiser family (with local students, helping out labelling products – a popular summer job even today) to five employees in 2000, and more than two hundred today.

2000年,随着公司的发展壮大,不得不搬迁到位于默辛根的专用设施。新生产车间面积大约300平方米(约3200平方英尺);克劳斯·盖泽尔和妻子桑尼·伊科拉-盖泽尔(Sanni Ikola-Gaiser)曾经很操心这个地方会不会太大了,如今重忆往事两人依然难掩发自内心的微笑──因为没隔多久他们又联系上了业主,打算租用同一栋楼里的另一层,然后再租一层。同时员工队伍也不断扩大了──从最初只包括盖泽尔家庭成员(有些本地学生也来帮忙贴产品标签,这是至今仍然很受欢迎的暑期工作),发展到2000年的五位雇员,再到今天的二百多名人员。

The Wheaty range, comprising about 50 products, is sold in sixteen countries now. The company moved into even larger premises a couple of years ago; Klaus Gaiser remains in charge of developing new products, in a converted butchery down the road from the Milchhausle where everything began more than 30 years ago.


Wheaty today


Once a niche phenomenon for a small circle of enthusiasts, our products – along with vegan alternatives in general – have long reached the mainstream, featuring in major newspapers, magazines, and other media. Only a decade ago, it would have been unthinkable that a publication like Men’s Health should write as favourably about our products as it did in 2012, presenting us as a serious alternative to the butcher’s when looking for something to put on the grill.

我们的产品──以及一般的纯素替代品──曾经属于面向一小圈子爱好者的小众市场,但现在早已经成功融入主流,获得了各大报刊、杂志和其他媒体的重点推介。到了2012年,像《男士健康》(Men's Health)这样的出版物可以赞同的语气描写我们的产品了,把我们的产品当作肉食的正经替代品,在人们想找点东西放到烤架上烤来吃的时候能够派上用场,而仅仅在十年以前,这一切可能都是令人难以想像的。

Despite our massive growth, we haven’t forgotten our pioneer roots. We take great strides to manufacture our products ethically and sustainably. We have always been certified organic; we avoid ingredients that are sourced from rainforest areas, or are otherwise ethically dubitable. We purchase our raw materials from central Europe where possible. We have always avoided palm oil – long before it became a news item – because we believe that even its organic variety is ecologically questionable.


We’re looking forward to many more years of being the market’s most innovative company, surprising you with vegan delights old and new!

















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